Burial. Fresno Art Museum.
Dirt, wood, cement, drywall, video. Three hour performance by tattoo artist Armando Villanueva.
16’ x 12’ x 22’
Burial. Three day art festival culminating in a one day performance. Performance artist Mia Eve Rollow was buried by the community of El Ambo Bajo, San Lorenzo Zinacantán, Chiapas, México. An autonomous community of La Otra Campañana in 2012, adherent to the Zapatistas and the EZLN.
Embassy of the Refugee. Frankfurt, Germany. TinyBe Living in a sculpture. A three month temporary pubic shelter in collaboration with Iranian and Syrian asylum seekers living in Germany. Wood, Dirt, cement, event tent, scaffolds, gold mylar. Performers, Mina Afshar-Saheb-Ekhtiari, Khaled Al Salamh and Mari Martinez.
Domo. Natural sandbag building techniques by Jaguar de Madera Ecoaldea with lead builder Juan Carlos Hidalgo and energy worker Francisco Hidalgo, San Cristóbal de Las Casas Chiapas, Mexico. EDELO, (Where the United Nations Used to Be) an inter cultural artist residency of diverse practices. 2009-2014.
Walking the Beast. Four week mural and sculptural performances at two immigrant safe houses at the Mexican southern border. La Casa Del Buen Pastor in Tapachula, Chiapas Mexico and La 72, Tenosique Tabasco Mexico. With lead artist Caleb Duarte, Saul Kack, Mia Eve Rollow.. Crossing the Suchiate River Guatemala Mexican border. Murals in collaboration with Central American asylum seekers at La 72 refugee safe house.
Walking the Beast. Sculptural Performance, The Suchiate River Guatemala Mexico border. In collaboration with Albergue El Buen Pastor en Tapachula Chiapas Mexico.
Monument as Living Memory. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Public performance and collaboration with fifteen artists during an 18 month architectural intervention in respomnce to Black LIves Matter and a global pandemic.
Casitas Voladoras. Three week artistic, oral history and sculptural performance workshops. El Pital Honduras.
Zapantera Negra. An encounter between the aesthetics of the Black Panther Party and the Zapatistas (EZLN). With once Minister of Culture of the Black Panther Party Emory Douglas and the Zapatistas.
Installation Viena Austria, 2021.
Traveling Reina Sofia, Spain, 2022, MUACA Mexico City 2023, Uruguay 2024.
Pink Ladder, Embassy of the Refugee Project. Sculptural performance for Suzan Lacy retrospective, “We Are Here”, at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco Ca. Micaela Pablo Martin, Cecilia Pablo Martin, Gabriela Ramos Mendoza, Heydi Jeronimo Pablo.